Talal Zaman Abbasi

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Talal Zaman Abbasi

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Blog Post

How to Excel as a New Developer and Beat the Dunning-Kruger Trap

October 23, 2023 Design
How to Excel as a New Developer and Beat the Dunning-Kruger Trap


What is the Dunning-Kruger Effect?

Hey there, fellow developers! Imagine this. You’ve just landed your first tech job or maybe you’re fresh out of a coding boot camp/university. You’re pumped, excited, and ready to show the world with everything you’ve got.

But wait a minute—ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger Effect?

No, it’s not the name of a cool Unicorn company or a secret programming language. It’s actually a psychological phenomenon where people think they know more than they actually do. And trust me, it’s super easy to fall into this trap when you’re new and eager to impress.

Why should you care? Well, this mindset can actually hold you back from truly excelling in your new role.

But fear not, we’re going to dive into how you can navigate this tricky terrain and come out the other side not just confident, but truly capable of being an awesome developer.

The Excitement of the First Job

Remember the moment you saw that “Congratulations” email? Your adrenaline kicked in, your heart races, your palms got a little sweaty, and you probably did a mini happy dance (at least I did).

You felt like you had just won the lottery, and in a way, you did! You’ve spent a tremendous amount of effort to reach that position and finally, you’re now part of the tech world.

Moving into that first week on the job, you walked into the office (or logged into that Zoom call) with your best “I’m a serious coder” face. Your new workspace is all set up – imagine your own standing desk, complete with dual monitors and a mechanical keyboard that makes the most satisfying click-clack sound.

You’re given your first project or task, and you think, “Pssh, I’ve got this. How hard can it be?”

You’re filled with excitement and ready to tackle anything that comes your way. Debugging errors? Bring it on. Complex algorithms? No problemo. You feel invincible, like a coding wizard.

But here’s the thing—this is exactly where the Dunning-Kruger Effect starts to creep in. You feel like you can conquer any coding challenges thrown your way. But is that really the case? Let’s find out.

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The Reality Check

A couple of weeks into your job, something starts to feel… different🫤. That initial rush of “I can do anything!” starts to fade as you dive deeper into your projects.

You encounter coding problems that your bootcamp or university courses didn’t expose you to. You find yourself Googling terms you’ve never heard of and staring at error messages that might as well be written in a completely unfamiliar language.

Remember that “simple” task you were so confident about? Well, it’s not looking so simple anymore. You start to realize that the codebase is a labyrinth, and you’re just a tiny mouse trying to find the cheese. You’re attending meetings where people casually throw around acronyms and jargon. You nod along, but inside, you’re thinking, “What are they even talking about?”

This is the moment—the reality check. It hits you like a ton of bricks: “I have so much more to learn.” And let’s be honest, it’s a humbling experience. You might even feel a bit discouraged or overwhelmed. That coding wizard wand you were holding seems a little too weak for you now.

But hey, don’t beat yourself up. Many developers face this problem including myself. It’s the universe’s way of saying, “Welcome to the real world of tech. It’s time to level up.” And guess what? This is where the real growth begins.

Twitter Post by Vlad Mihalcea on Dunning-Krugger Effect Visualization

Why the Dunning-Kruger Effect is Actually a Good Thing

Well well well, so you’ve hit that reality check. You’re feeling a bit down, maybe even doubting if you’re cut out for this tech life.

But here’s the twist: that uncomfortable feeling, that realization that you’re not a coding wizard (yet), is actually a good thing. Yep, you heard me right. It’s good, and here’s why.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect isn’t just some fancy term psychologists use to make you feel bad about yourself. It’s a natural part of the learning journey. Think of it as your brain’s way of saying, “Hey, slow down, buddy. There’s more to see here.”

When you’re at the peak of “Mount Stupid” early on in your career, as shown in the image above, you don’t know what you don’t know. But the moment you start to doubt, the moment you feel that discomfort, is when you become aware of your limitations.

You see, the Dunning-Kruger Effect can be your wake-up call, your catalyst for genuine growth. It’s like a checkpoint in a video game that says, “Are you sure you’re ready for the next level?” If you are, you’ll need to gear up, learn some new moves, and maybe even team up with others who can help you on your quest.

So, instead of seeing this psychological effect as a pitfall, view it as a springboard. It’s a chance for you to pivot. It’s your opportunity to identify the gaps in your knowledge and skills, and then hustle to fill them.

You’ll start asking questions, seeking feedback, and practicing like never before. Before you know it, you’ll be climbing up the slope of “enlightenment,” where you not only gain expertise but also the wisdom to recognize there’s always more to learn.

In a nutshell, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is not your enemy. It’s more like your brutally honest friend who tells things like they are and keeps you in check, so you can become the best version of yourself.

And let’s be real, we could all use a friend like that, especially when we’re just starting to explore the tech world.

Photo by Grzegorz Walczak / Unsplash

Practical Tips to Overcome Overconfidence

Now you’ve established that the Dunning-Kruger Effect can be your ally. But how do you move from that awkward phase of overconfidence to actually getting better? Here are some down-to-earth, no-nonsense tips to help you get there.

Self-Assessment: Know Yourself

First things first, take a step back and honestly evaluate your skills. People always say that awareness is the first step to self-improvement. No sugar-coating, no inflating your abilities. Use online quizzes, coding challenges from websites like Leetcode or HackerRank, or even old-fashioned pen and paper to jot down what you know and what you don’t. This will give you a clear picture of where you stand.

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Photo by Brett Jordan / Unsplash

Seek Feedback: The Mirror Doesn’t Lie, But It Doesn’t Tell the Whole Truth

Your own assessment is a good start, but it’s not enough. You need external perspectives to get a fuller picture.

Don’t be shy—ask for feedback from your colleagues, mentors, or even your local online communities. Listen carefully, keep an open mind, and don’t get defensive.

Remember, feedback is a gift, even when it stings a little. Ensure to only take feedback that are directed at your skills rather than being personal in nature.

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com / Unsplash

Set SMART Goals: You Can’t Improve What You Don’t Track

You’ve probably heard of SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. (Source: Kat Boogard) Use this framework to set targets for yourself.

Instead of vague goals like “I want to get better at JavaScript,” aim for something more concrete like, “I will complete a JavaScript project that involves API calls within two weeks.” or “I will learn how to integrate with Stripe API by building an e-commerce website within this month.”

You can use roadmap.sh to track your progress and get a general roadmap, too.

Ideas waiting to be had
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Break It Down: One Step at a Time

Big goals can be overwhelming, especially when you are learning something from scratch. Break them down into smaller manageable tasks that you can tackle daily (preferably) or weekly.

Each small win will not only boost your confidence and motivation to stay consistent but also give you a clearer path forward.

Photo by Bruno Nascimento / Unsplash

Keep Learning: The River Never Stops Flowing

The tech world is always evolving, and so should you. Make learning a habit. Whether it’s reading articles, watching tutorials, taking up new courses, or building new projects, keep that brain of yours hungry for more knowledge.

Just make sure that you show up consistently:

Different types of consistency

Reflect and Adjust: Rinse and Repeat

Every now and then, take some time to reflect on your progress. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and learn from your setbacks. Adjust your goals and strategies as needed and keep going. Be strict for yourself but do not beat yourself down too hard when a target is not met. Progress is progress no matter the context.

Overcoming overconfidence isn’t about downplaying your abilities. It’s about fine-tuning them. It’s about turning that initial spark of enthusiasm into a steady flame that lights your way through the ever-changing landscape of tech. And trust me, once you get the hang of it, there’s no stopping you.

Check out more photos from my time in Yangshuo at www.morethanjust.photos/yangshuo
Photo by Joshua Earle / Unsplash

The Path to Becoming Outstanding

So, what’s the endgame here? Well, overcoming the Dunning-Kruger Effect isn’t just about avoiding embarrassment or getting through the day without a hiccup. It’s about long-term growth. It’s about becoming the developer who not only knows their stuff but also knows what they don’t know.

That’s a powerful combo, my fellow friends. It makes you more competent, more hirable, and let’s be honest, a lot more fun to work with.

Two middle age business workers smiling happy and confident. Working together with smile on face hand giving high five at the office
Photo by krakenimages / Unsplash


Alright, let’s wrap this up. The Dunning-Kruger Effect is like that awkward puberty phase we all go through. It’s uncomfortable, a bit embarrassing, but also completely natural.

Just like Neo in “The Matrix,” you have a choice. You can take the blue pill, stay in your comfort zone, and believe whatever you want to believe. Or you can take the red pill and embrace the awkwardness, the bumps, and the steep learning curves.

Taking the red pill means acknowledging that there’s a whole world of programming wisdom you’ve yet to discover. It’s a commitment to learn, grow, and become not just a better developer, but an outstanding one.

And guess what? You’ve got what it takes 🫵🏻, so let’s commit to excellence, one repo at a time! 📦

Photo by Roman Davydko / Unsplash

To end on a quote:

“Don’t get set into one form, adapt it and build your own, and let it grow, be like water” — Bruce Lee

Additional Resources

If you’re keen on diving deeper into this topic and leveling up your skills, here are some resources that can help you on your journey:

Books 📚

  1. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” by Carol S. Dweck – Understand the power of a growth mindset.
  2. “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” by Cal Newport – Learn how to focus and produce high-quality work.
  3. “The Pragmatic Programmer” by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas – A must-read for every new developer.

Articles 📝

  1. Understanding the Dunning-Kruger Effect – A Psychology Today article that breaks down the psychology.
  2. How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome – A Medium article that provides actionable tips.
  3. The Developer’s Edge: How To Become A Senior Developer – Hackernoon article focusing on the path to seniority.

Online Courses 🖥️

  1. The Science of Well-Being by Yale University – Coursera course that can help you understand happiness and productivity.
  2. Learning How to Learn – Another Coursera gem that teaches you the most efficient ways to learn new topics.

Feel free to explore these resources and take what resonates with you. Happy learning! 🌟


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