Talal zaman abbasi
Talal zaman abbasi

Blog Post

Learn JavaScript by Building 21 Projects – a Major freeCodeCamp Curriculum Update

December 20, 2023 Design
Learn JavaScript by Building 21 Projects – a Major freeCodeCamp Curriculum Update


freeCodeCamp has just launched a major update to the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification. You can now learn JavaScript by building 21 projects!

Instead of coding through a series of challenges, you will learn the fundamentals of JavaScript by building 16 practice projects + 5 certification projects. Each of the practice projects will lead you through a step by step process for building out dynamic HTML, CSS and JavaScript applications.

Also note that any older certifications you have earned will continue to remain valid going forward.

I have created a video walkthrough demoing each of the projects that you will build throughout this course.

Here is the complete list of projects you will build:

  1. Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game
  2. Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter
  3. Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player
  4. Learn the Date Object By Building a Date Formatter
  5. Build a Palindrome Checker – Certification project
  6. Learn Modern JavaScript Methods By Building Football Team Cards
  7. Learn localStorage by Building a Todo List
  8. Learn Recursion by Building a Decimal to Binary Converter
  9. Build a Roman Numeral Converter – Certification project
  10. Learn Basic Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Number Sorter
  11. Learn Advanced Array Methods by Building a Statistics Calculator
  12. Learn Functional Programming by Building a Spreadsheet
  13. Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Spam Filter
  14. Build a Telephone Number Validator – Certification Project
  15. Learn Basic OOP by Building a Shopping Cart
  16. Learn Intermediate OOP by Building a Platformer Game
  17. Learn Intermediate Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Dice Game
  18. Build a Cash Register – Certification Project
  19. Learn Fetch and Promises by Building an fCC Authors Page
  20. Learn Asynchronous programming by Building an fCC Forum Leaderboard
  21. Build a Pokémon Search App – Certification Project

Learn Basic JavaScript by Building a Role Playing Game

Preview for the JavaScript Role Playing Game

For the first project, you’ll learn fundamental programming concepts in JavaScript by coding your own Role Playing Game. You’ll learn how to work with arrays, strings, objects, functions, loops, if/else statements, and more.

You will start off by building the HTML and CSS structure inside the freeCodeCamp editor. Then you will move onto building out the JavaScript functionality.

Step 53 for the JavaScript Role Playing Game

This project will give you tons of repetition and practice working with the basics of JavaScript. And if you get stuck on a step, then you will be guided to the solution through a series of hints.

Hint for the JavaScript Role Playing Game in freeCodeCamp editor

Learn Form Validation by Building a Calorie Counter

JavaScript Calorie Counter Project

In this calorie counter project, you’ll learn how to validate user input, perform calculations based on that input, and dynamically update your interface to display the results. This project covers basic regular expressions, template literals, the addEventListener() method, and more.

Learn Basic String and Array Methods by Building a Music Player

JavaScript Music Player Project

In this project, you’ll code a basic MP3 player using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The project covers fundamental concepts such as handling audio playback, managing a playlist, implementing play, pause, next, previous, and shuffle functionalities.

You will learn how to work with essential string and array methods like the find(), forEach(), map(), and join().

Learn the Date Object By Building a Date Formatter

JavaScript Date formatter project

In this project, you’ll learn how to work with the JavaScript Date object, including its methods and properties. You’ll also learn how to correctly format dates.

This project will cover concepts such as the getDate(), getMonth(), and getFullYear() methods.

Certification project: Build a Palindrome Checker

Palindrome Checker Preview

For this certification project, you will build out a palindrome checker. A user should be able to input a word or phrase and your application should correctly check if is a palindrome.

A palindrome is a word or phrase that can be read the same way forwards and backwards, ignoring punctuation, case, and spacing.

This is one of the five certification projects that count towards earning the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification.

Preview for the Football team cards project

In this football team cards project, you’ll learn how to work with DOM manipulation, object destructuring, event handling, and data filtering.  

This project will cover concepts like switch statements, default parameters, Object.freeze(), the map() method, and more.

Learn localStorage by Building a Todo List

Preview for TODO app

Local storage is a web browser feature that lets web applications store key-value pairs persistently within a user’s browser. This allows web apps to save data during one session, then retrieve it in a later page session.

In this TODO application, you’ll learn how to handle form inputs, manage local storage, perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on tasks, implementing event listeners, and toggle UI elements.

Learn Recursion by Building a Decimal to Binary Converter

Preview for decimal to binary converter

Recursion is a programming concept where a function calls itself. This can reduce a complex problem into simpler sub-problems, until they become straightforward to solve.

In this project, you’ll build a decimal-to-binary converter using JavaScript. You’ll learn the fundamental concepts of recursion, explore the call stack, and build out a visual representation of the recursion process through an animation.

Certification Project: Build a Roman Numeral Converter

Preview for Roman numeral project

For this certification project, you will build out a Roman numeral converter. A user should be able to input an integer and your application should correctly return a Roman numeral.

This is one of the five certification projects that count towards earning the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification.

Learn Basic Algorithmic Thinking by Building a Number Sorter

Preview for number sorter project

In computer science, there are fundamental sorting algorithms that all developers should learn. In this number sorter project, you’ll learn how to implement and visualize different sorting algorithms like bubble sort, selection sort, and insertion sort – all with JavaScript.

This project will help you understand the fundamental concepts behind these algorithms, and how you can apply them to sort numerical data in web applications.

Learn Advanced Array Methods by Building a Statistics Calculator

Preview for Statistics Calculator

In this statistics calculator project, you’ll gain experience with handling user input, DOM manipulation, and method chaining. You’ll get practice by performing statistical calculations like mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation.

Learn Functional Programming by Building a Spreadsheet

Preview of Spreadsheet project

In Functional Programming, developers organize code into smaller functions, then combine those functions to build complex programs.

In this spreadsheet application project, you’ll learn about parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions, implementing spreadsheet functions, handling cell references, and creating interactive web interfaces. You’ll learn how to dynamically update the page based on user input.

This project will cover concepts like the map() method, find() method, parseInt(), the includes() method.

Learn Regular Expressions by Building a Spam Filter

Preview of Spam filter project

Regular expressions, often shortened to “regex” or “regexp”, are patterns that help programmers match, search, and replace text. Regular expressions are powerful, but can be difficult to understand because they use so many special characters.

In this spam filter project, you’ll learn about capture groups, positive lookaheads, negative lookaheads, and other techniques to match any text you want.

Certification Project: Telephone Number Validator

Preview of Telephone number validator

For this certification project, you will build out a telephone number validator. A user should be able to input a number or random set of characters and your application should correctly check if it is a valid United States phone number or not.

This is one of the five certification projects that count towards earning the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification.

Preview of Shopping cart project

OOP, or Object Oriented Programming, is one of the major approaches to the software development process. In OOP, developers use objects and classes to structure their code.

In this shopping cart project, you’ll learn how to define classes and use them. You’ll create class instances and implement methods for data manipulation.

This project will cover concepts like the ternary operator, the spread operator, the this keyword, and more.

Preview of the Platfomer game

In this platformer game project, you’ll continue to learn about classes, objects, inheritance, and encapsulation. You’ll also learn how to design and organize game elements efficiently and gain insights into problem-solving and code reusability.

Preview for the Dice game

Algorithmic thinking involves the ability to break down complex problems into a sequence of well-defined, step-by-step instructions.

In this Dice game project, you’ll learn how to manage game state, implement game logic for rolling dice, keeping score, and applying rules for various combinations.

This project covers concepts such as event handling, array manipulation, conditional logic, and updating the user interface dynamically based on game state.

Certification Project: Build a Cash Register

Preview for the cash register

For this certification project, you will build out a functioning cash register. A user should be able to input cash and the register should output if any change is due and what amount.

This is one of the five certification projects that count towards earning the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification.

Learn Fetch and Promises by Building an fCC Authors Page

Preview for freeCodeCamp authors page project

One common aspect of web development is learning how to fetch data from an external API, then work with asynchronous JavaScript.

This freeCodeCamp authors page project will show you how to use the fetch method, then dynamically update the DOM to display the fetched data. This project will also teach you how to paginate your data so you can load results in batches.

Learn Asynchronous Programming by Building an fCC Forum Leaderboard

Preview for forum leaderboard project

In this project you will gain proficiency in asynchronous concepts by building your own freeCodeCamp forum leaderboard.  This project will cover the Fetch API, promises, Async/Await, and the try...catch statement.

Certification Project: Build a Pokémon Search App

Preview for Pokémon Search App

For this certification project, you will build out a Pokémon Search App. A user should be able to enter in the name or id for a Pokémon and your application should return the stats and avatar for that Pokémon.

This is one of the five certification projects that count towards earning the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification.

Try the New JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification

This certification is currently in beta. If you find any issues, please report them to our GitHub repository.

If you need help with any of the projects, reach out on the freeCodeCamp forum.

When you are ready, you can dive right into the new JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification.

[TODO: add link to curriculum when ready]

Happy coding.


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