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Talal zaman abbasi

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Learn ASP.NET Core by Building an Auction Application

February 8, 2024 Design
Learn ASP.NET Core by Building an Auction Application


ASP.NET course can be used to create robust, scalable, and dynamic applications.

We just posted a course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel that is an opportunity for learners to dive deep into the world of fullstack development using ASP.NET Core. Alen Omeri designed the course to guide you through the process of building a complete auction web application from scratch.

ASP.NET Core is an open-source, high-performance framework developed by Microsoft for building modern, cloud-based, and internet-connected applications. It offers a versatile platform for developing web apps, IoT apps, mobile backends, and more, leveraging the .NET ecosystem. Its performance, scalability, and support for cross-platform development make it an attractive choice for developers.

Course Overview

The course kickstarts with an overview, setting the stage for what learners can expect. It outlines the project scope, the core functionalities of the auction web application, and an introduction to the ASP.NET Core framework and its advantages. Here are the other sections of the course:

Models & Database Setup

The journey begins with designing the application’s backbone—defining models and setting up the database. This section covers Entity Framework Core, a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) framework for .NET, which simplifies data access by allowing developers to work with a database using .NET objects.

Index Page

Next, the course walks you through developing the Index Page, where all the auction items are displayed. This involves integrating models with views and controllers, showcasing the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture that ASP.NET Core champions for organizing application logic.

Create Page & File Uploads

Building upon the basics, this section dives into creating new auction listings. It covers handling form data, implementing file uploads, and ensuring data validation, providing a comprehensive guide on managing user inputs and assets.

Details Page

Focusing on individual auction items, the Details Page section teaches you to display item specifics. This includes integrating dynamic data into views and enhancing user experience by presenting detailed information about each listing.

Aesthetic and functionality enhancements come next. This part of the course emphasizes CSS for styling, structuring your application for a cleaner look, and implementing features like a search bar and pagination for improved navigation and usability.

Adding Bids & Closing the Bidding

A crucial functionality of any auction application, this section covers how to add bidding features to your application, manage bid submissions, and automate the closing of bids, ensuring a real-time and interactive bidding process.

Engagement and interaction are further elevated by incorporating a commenting feature. This segment teaches the implementation of a comments section for each auction item, facilitating user discussions and feedback.

My Listings & My Bids

Personalization features such as “My Listings” and “My Bids” pages allow users to track their activity on the platform. These sections delve into creating user-specific views that display the listings a user has posted and the bids they’ve made.

Project Recap

The course concludes with a comprehensive recap, revisiting the key technologies and concepts covered throughout the course. It ensures a solid understanding of the project and the ASP.NET Core framework, empowering learners to embark on their fullstack development journey with confidence.


Alen Omeri’s expertise in ASP.NET Core and clear instructional style make complex topics accessible to learners of all levels. The course’s hands-on approach, with a real-world project, ensures that by the end, you have not just theoretical knowledge but practical experience in fullstack development with ASP.NET Core.

Watch the full course on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel (2-hour watch).


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