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Talal Zaman Abbasi

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Blog Post

How to Get the Most of Video Coding Tutorials

February 16, 2024 Design
How to Get the Most of Video Coding Tutorials


Have you ever spent hours watching a coding tutorial, only to get to the end and feel like you haven’t learned very much?

We’ve all been there, and it can be a frustrating experience when learning to code.

In this article, I will show you some of the best techniques you can use to get the most out of any video tutorial and maximize your learning.

๐ŸŽฎ Code Along

This is a great way to practice the actual typing of code, and you’ll build muscle memory as you do. Eventually things like creating functions, new files, and so on will become second nature. It also helps to drive home the concepts you’re learning.

Imagine playing a video game where you’re just watching the hero battle dragons without jumping into the fray yourself. Sounds boring, right? And you wouldn’t get any better at fighting the dragons.

That’s exactly why you should code along with tutorials instead of passively watching them. Open your IDE, type out the code, and run it. See those errors and successes in real time? Theyโ€™re your battle scars and medals.


When the tutorial says, “Let’s build a to-do list,” don’t just nod along. Build it as they do, line by line. If they add a feature to check off completed tasks, jump in and code that checkbox. It’s like following a recipe โ€“ you wouldn’t just read it and expect a cake to appear.

๐Ÿ“ Make a Note of Common Functionality

Coding is not just about learning syntax โ€“ it’s about learning how to recognize patterns. Many web apps share common functionalities. Authentication, CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete), and API calls are your bread and butter.


In my full-stack project videos on YouTube, I show you how to implement a lot of common web app features such as authentication, CRUD operations, sorting, filtering, and more. If you take a note on how and when to use these features, you’ll be able to refer back to this when you need these features in your future projects.

๐Ÿ”„ Watch a Section, and See If You Can Redo That Section Yourself

This is where the magic happens. After watching a segment, take a deep breath, and try to replicate what you just learned without peeking.

It’s like trying to draw a map of a dungeon after walking through it once. Donโ€™t worry if you miss a turn โ€“ the goal is to etch those coding pathways into your brain. Remember: repetition is key for learning coding concepts.


If the tutorial just showed how to add a feature to sort tasks by priority, close the video and see if you can implement it again from scratch. It’s okay to struggle. That’s when you know you’re learning. You can always refer back to the video if you get stuck and then try again.

๐Ÿš€ See If You Can Do the Next Section Yourself

Feeling bold? Try to predict and code the next feature before the tutorial shows you how. Itโ€™s like choosing your own adventure in a storybook. This not only tests your understanding but also boosts your problem-solving skills.


The tutorial plans to add a feature to filter tasks? Take a stab at it before hitting play. Whether you nail it or not, comparing your approach to the tutorial’s solution offers incredible insights.

โธ Pause and Add Your Own Little Bits

Who says you have to stick to the script? Toss in your own mini-features or tweaks. If the tutorialโ€™s app is as plain as a potato, why not spice it up with some CSS magic? Or add a feature that you think would be useful?


Building that to-do list but it’s all text? Add emojis for tasks! ๐ŸŽ‰ A task about calling your grandma? Slap a heart emoji next to it. Itโ€™s your world โ€“ have fun decorating it.

๐ŸŒŸ Extend the Tutorial with Your Own Features

This is one of my favourite ways to learn, as it’s not as daunting as starting from a blank slate.

Once you’ve followed the tutorial to the end, don’t stop there. Think of it as the base game, and now you’re adding DLCs (Downloadable Content). This is your chance to get creative and make the project truly yours.


Got that to-do list working? Great! How about adding a feature to share tasks with friends or sync it across devices? The sky’s the limit.

๐Ÿ– Take Lots of Breaks

Ever noticed how ideas sometimes hit you when you’re away from the computer, maybe in the shower or taking a walk? That’s your brain processing in the background.

Coding marathons can lead to burnout, so remember to take breaks. Stretch, hydrate, or do a quick dance-off. Your brain (and body) will thank you.


After coding a new feature, step away for a bit. Try taking a walk, or working on another non-coding project. You might come back with a fresh perspective or a new idea to implement. Itโ€™s like letting your game character rest at an inn before the next big quest. ๐Ÿ˜‰

๐Ÿ” Conclusion

If you’re eager to put these techniques into practice, feel free to visit my YouTube channel. There, I tackle enterprise-level projects, unravelling the how, the what, and the why behind each line of code. Drop by and say hello!

Chris Blakely

Hello! Iโ€™m a Software Engineer with 8 years experience and Iโ€™m here to help you get a full stack developer job by building real world projects!



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